Agenda: October 12, 2022
Ground Rules & Reminders
- Be respectful of everyone. Host can mute anyone at any time if necessary.
- Mute if you have background noises.
- Votes can be virtual if members are seen (turn on picture) during vote.
- Please keep topic reports and discussions to 5 minute per person. If a topic discussion becomes 15 minutes an Executive Member (EC) can table til next meeting or plan a separate planning/discussion meet.
- Meeting will have a 30 minute pre-meet open meet (630pm)for questions or non-pta discussions and the Principal or Assistant Principal may stay on after the meet (their choice) to follow up or answer questions.
- No personnel or personal discussions, please contact the appropriate person to discuss it with them off PTAmeet.
- Call to Order
- Introduction
- Attendance/Establish Quorum (7 members)
- Approve Minutes
- President’s Report (Cathy Datz)
- 1st VP Report (Jessica Jenkins)
- 2nd VP Report (Diane Byrne)
- Treasurer’s Report (Elizabeth Hall)
- Recording Secretary’s Report (Emily Metzler)
- Corresponding Secretary’s Report (Danielle Pientka)
- PTACHC Report (Amy Syversen)
- Committee/Activity Reports and Topics for Discussion
- Principal’s Report (Mrs. Anoff)
- Assistant Principal’s Report (Mr. Scobie)
- Teacher’s Report (TBD)
- New Business
- Next meeting date, time, place
- Adjourn
Meeting Minutes
To be added.