Agenda: January 4, 2023

Ground Rules & Reminders

  • Be respectful of everyone. Host can mute anyone at any time if necessary.
  • Mute if you have background noises.
  • Votes can be virtual if members are seen (turn on picture) during vote.
  • Please keep topic reports and discussions to 5 minute per person. If a topic discussion becomes 15 minutes an Executive Member (EC) can table til next meeting or plan a separate planning/discussion meet.
  • Meeting will have a 30 minute pre-meet open meet (630pm)for questions or non-pta discussions and the Principal or Assistant Principal may stay on after the meet (their choice) to follow up or answer questions.
  • No personnel or personal discussions, please contact the appropriate person to discuss it with them off PTAmeet.



  • Call to Order
  • Introduction
  • Attendance/Establish Quorum (7 members)
  • Approve Minutes
  • President’s Report (Cathy Datz)
  • 1st VP Report (Jessica Jenkins)
  • 2nd VP Report (Diane Byrne)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Elizabeth Hall)
  • Recording Secretary’s Report (Emily Metzler)
  • Corresponding Secretary’s Report (Danielle Pientka)
  • PTACHC Report (Amy Syversen)
  • Committee/Activity Reports and Topics for Discussion
  • Principal’s Report (Mrs. Anoff)
  • Assistant Principal’s Report (Mr. Scobie)
  • Teacher’s Report (TBD)
  • New Business
  • Next meeting date, time, place
  • Adjourn
  • President’s Report (Cathy Datz)
  • 1st VP Report (Jessica Jenkins)
  • 2nd VP Report (Diane Byrne)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Elizabeth Hall)
  • Recording Secretary’s Report (Emily Metzler)
  • Corresponding Secretary’s Report (Danielle Pientka)
  • PTACHC Report (Amy Syversen)
  • Yearbook (Elizabeth Hall) – We would like to congratulate Allison Moroney whose art will be featured on the front cover and Maddy Heffernan whose art will be featured on the back cover of our yearbook this year.
  • New Business
  • Next meeting date, time, place
  • Adjourn

Meeting Minutes

Lisbon Elementary PTA Meeting
Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2023
Time: 7 PM


(PTA Elected Officials)

  1. Cathy Datz, 
  2. Diane Byrne, 
  3. Ellen Bockelman
  4. Jessica Jenkins, 
  5. Amy Ashmore, 

(Community Members/Attendees)

  1. School Principal – Debra Anoff
  2. Caroline Garzon, 
  3. Matt Davis, 
  4. Elizabeth Dudley,
  5. Emily Metzler, 
  6. Danielle Pientka,
  7. Kate Weiss.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Introductions
  3. Meeting Minutes Approval: Last meeting was an executive meeting and as a result, there are no minutes to approve.
  4. Principals Report: 
    • Back in the office; flat Deb enjoyed her visit around the school.
    • SCH will be back this year in person.
    • Looking for books/contributions to expand the library.
    • Open positions have been advertised:
      1. Full, long-term sub
      2. Three temporary employee positions (approximately six hours a day)
      3. Rufus has been hired as day chief custodian.  Night chief custodian is still open.
    • School start times – principals have been asked about opinions.  D. Anoff indicated she is happy with the school start time at Lisbon and responded to keep the time as is.
  5. Asst. Principal Report – Not Present.
  6. Teachers Report – Not Provided.
  1. PTA President C. Datz Report:
    • Picked up Tony Loco check for $495; 
    • Community night balance was paid ($2,500) by an anonymous community member.
    • Amount spent $4,115 spent for 200 families for community dinners
    • Gifts of gratitude raised $7,800 (appreciation was shared by multiple teachers on the line); cards have been shipped and will arrive shortly for dissemination.  Every single staff member received something through this gift/crowd raise.
    • Events:
      1. Snowball – January 27th (snow date is Feb. 3); hoping for no snow because gymnastics will be held in the gym that day.  Ms. Anoff to distribute the flyer ASAP.  Tickets will be sent home with hand staff at the door.  Tickets can be purchased at the door.
      2. International Fair has been moved to April 28th
      3. STEM night is still March 24th
      4. No event in February.
      5. May 12th – Basketball fundraiser to be held at Gary J. Arthur Community Center.  A projected income of $14k from the event is anticipated.  Tina Terranova is working on ads and postings.
        1. Event overview: Harlem Wizards against school staff.
        2. Time is 6-8 PM
        3. Food options were discussed.  Working on logistics for options that might have a minimum and options that can raise funds for the PTA.
      6. Raffle baskets and tax considerations.  Donations are tax-exempt but working to confirm tax status and better numbers.
      7. PTA budget has been posted on the PTA website.
      8. PTAC has been focused on school start time changes with a meeting to be held next Monday, January 9th.
      9. Memory book winners: We would like to congratulate Allison Moroney whose art will be featured on the front cover and Maddy Heffernan whose art will be featured on the back cover of our yearbook this year.
  2. 1st VP Report (Jessica Jenkins) – NA
  3. 2nd VP Report (Dian Byrne) – NA
  4. Treasurer’s Report (Elizabeth Hall) – NA
  5. Recording Secretary’s Report (Emily Metzler) – NA
  1. Miscellaneous Discussion:
    • Classroom needs for supply options. Discuss multiple options such as POD wish list, Facebook postings, and Amazon Wishlist.
    • Afterschool activities: Howard County flyer just came out.  Pretty similar options from before (e.g., tennis, chess, etc.).  Possible golf instructor option.  The Lisbon PTA activity page has been updated.
    • PTA website has been updated.
      1. Fundraising table discussed and options to be updated.
      2. Danielle Pientka has completed an update to the website and it looks great!  Very user-friendly.
      3. Link to be provided and dropped into the Lisbon Lions.

Motion to Adjourn at 8:04 PM – Cathy Datz

Second – Emily Metzler

In Favor: Danielle, Ellen, Cathy, Matt, Diane, Amy, Jessica, Elizabeth

Next Meeting: 2/1/23, 7-8 PM

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