Lisbon Elementary School Plant Sale
How to Order Plants
Order plants by filling out the order form sent home from school or print a new order
form and drop it in the PTA mailbox located in the school vestibule. Ensure payment is with your order form – cash, check or Memberhub payment is accepted.
You can print the form below if you just can’t wait for the flyer to come home- we love plants too, we get it!
Information about the Lisbon PTA Plant Sale
*Flowers * Vegetables * Herbs * Hanging Baskets *
ORDERING CLOSES – March 29th, 2024
ORDER PICKUP – Wednesday, May 8th 4-7pm at Lisbon Elementary School
Questions? Would you like to help this year? Email Amy Syversen
Directions for Ordering and Paying:
1) Select the number of plants you would like to order from the drop down lists below. While you shop, calculate your total costs (you’ll enter your total at the end).
*You only need to make selections for the plants you would like to order*
2) Calculate the total cost of your order as you shop and pay for your order with one of the three options below:
Payment Option 1: Pay by Check made out to Lisbon PTA and in Memo Section write PTA PLANT SALE and your name (send the check in an envelope labeled PTA inside your child’s take home folder)
Payment Option 2: Cash (send in an envelope in your child’s take home folder labeled PTA PLANT SALE and your name)
Payment Option 3: Member Hub – pay online through Member Hub:
**Every effort will be made to fulfill your order, however, due to availability, substitutions may be made.
Pickup Information
Plants can be picked up on the order pickup date. They’ll be available for pickup from Lisbon Elementary School.
2024 Plant Sale in Woodbine, MD (Howard County): This sale supports the Lisbon Elementary School PTA